Friday, November 14, 2008

In the midst

of a particularly trying and uncomfortably full of dying children 30+ hour shift I decided to enjoy a 42 second dance party on the elevator ride down to the lobby. Turned around to leave and you guessed it. . . security cameras in the elevator.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

peds and poopsicles

I went through a phase, circa age 9, when anything remotely involving the concept of poop was fall-over-laughing hysterical. For a good month I responded "pooperoni and cheese" when asked what I wanted for dinner then howled with glee for about twenty minutes.

Last night would have been a singularly joyful experience for nine year old me.

Case number 1:

Teenage-ish male took it into his head to eat oh three large bags of sunflower seeds, shells included, last weekend. Presented like clockwork yesterday with a sore bottom and constipation. After failing manual disimpaction in the ER, and finding a large mass on x-ray much like the following, he was sent to gastro.

Gastro stuck up a scope and found a 6+ cm bezoar which took him nearly an hour and a half to remove. Our patient is currently in the ward where he continues to poo out shell fragments and be generally remorseful.

Research shows that these guys have been caused by all kinds of my favorite foods: sesame seeds, pomegranate seeds, prickly pear flesh, watermelon seeds, human hair. I'll add this to my list of things I didn't know I should be afraid of but really should be.

Patient two: And the inappropriate parental comments commence

Another preteenish age boy, very sweet, recovering from surgery and having pain-medicine related slowing of the digestive system. We gave him a mild laxative to help get things moving and the previously unconcerned teen became suddenly apprehensive. With some prying he whispered that he was scared he would go in his pants or the bed.

Dad overheard the conversation and chimed in: "Don't worry about it son, you'd be just like grandma. Happens to her all the time."

Thanks, pop.

Be afraid.