Friday, October 24, 2008

faith in humanity. . . restored

We had a family of evacuees from Texas in the peds ER yesterday. They were placed in a homeless shelter temporarily, their medicaid paperwork hadn't gone through yet, parents managed to find temporary work but still haven't received their first paycheck, and all four daughters managed to pick up nasty cases of head lice. Dad spent over $200 of Rid and Nix and managed to treat three of the four girls, but the youngest daughter's lice just kept coming back. He's now out of money, scared to put any more toxic chemicals on his 3 year old's head, and the shelter won't let them back in until she's cured.

So he comes to us broke and at his wit's end. We quickly realize that the best treatment option, malathion, costs $112 per bottle. We called social work and financial advisers and they couldn't figure out a way to get the cost covered by medicaid and our pharmacy doesn't have an adequate dose on hand to treat her here. It was recommended that we give them another dose of Rid and a "good luck."

Instead, the entire medical team sat down and through genius manipulation of every possible billing code loopholes managed to arrange two free treatments here and two free follow up appointments for additional treatment if needed. Amazing.

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