Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Big Fancy Orthopedic Surgeon presenting a patient (after sauntering into the room 20 minutes late in jeans and a leather jacket and and deigning to grace us with a consult):

"Mr D is a 19 year old Bedouin man who was injured when a rocket landed on his construction site." ::with exaggerated eye roll:: "For some reason he wants us to remove the shrapnel lodged in his pelvis, elbow, and face. He says it causes him pain and is uncomfortable. He is on anti-depressives (sic), I don't know why." (My emphasis. I mean, really??)

Student: Why don't you want to do the surgery?

BFOS:"I think is no big deal, some shrapnel."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah! I just saw your post on This Is Why You're Thin! Very nice :)

- Erica