Sunday, April 6, 2008

Overseen everywhere

This is my all-time favorite hospital safety poster. (Okay, second to the one featuring a young child walking into a bonfire with a big red "no" x across it).

The title of this gem is "Earthquake Safety." It's especially dear to my heart because I have actually experienced an earthquake in Israel. Tragically, I had not yet seen this poster.

Now, having seen it, I know the right thing to do (in any situation!):

1. Am I alone? Kneel. Pray. Sit under a table and cry.
2. Alone in a hospital bed? Launch a tiny UFO.
3. In a room with a patient? Kill my patient (or balance a tiny UFO on their face? Debatable). Pray for forgiveness. Sit under the bed and cry.

I see this poster every day. I love it even more every time. (And welcome any other interpretations).

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