Friday, August 21, 2009

Now I of all people

should know that correlation does not imply causality.

And yet these past two days, Dr. S has been downright pleasant to work with. He has even lowered himself to, heaven forbid, teaching me on a few occasions. (And not his usual "teaching" tactic which involves stonily staring at me after I make a statement until I realize my mistake, apologize, and correct it. At which point he either continues staring for a good awkward moment longer, to drive it in I guess, or has already started rounding on some other floor and is less-than-patiently waiting for me.)

Anyway, two days of puppy dogs and bunny rabbits and frolicking in the petunias, and on these two days it just so happens that I did not have any clean professional looking socks and thus opted to wear. . . a skirt.

So now I have no idea if these two seemingly random happenings, Dr. Me in a skirt + Dr. S behaving like a human being, actually have anything to do with each other. But nonetheless I need to come up with four more skirts to wear for the rest of the rotation and fingers crossed that that will be enough to carry me through Sunday when I'm on call in scrubs.

Hey, every little thing helps.

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