Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Overseen in the gynecologic ER

The doctor pointed out the word "Virgo" written in bold across the top of an 18 year old patient's chart and asked me why it was important. I should have realized that we probably had a translation/spelling error at play, but it was the middle of the night and I wasn't thinking at my brightest, so I sat for a good ten minutes trying to figure what a zodiac sign could possibly have to do with women's health.

The answer of course is that the doctor just doesn't know how to spell virgin and he guessed. (They write it in English on the charts in order to not embarrass the patients. Despite all the other equally if not more embarrassing personal medical information also written in the chart). And the clinical significance is that we don't do transvaginal ultrasound on virgins because we'd have to break the hymen.

This is not as exciting as finding out that Virgos are more susceptible to, I don't know, ruptured ovarian cysts when the moon is in Capricorn. But reassuring to find out that my sign is not, in fact, of medical significance.

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