Saturday, October 10, 2009

I speak in love

You must understand that I was one of the most nervous third year medical students of all time. It's terrifying when you're suddenly thrust out of the warm, comfortable womb of classroom case studies into the harsh glaring lights of an actual hospital with actual real live patients who they are actually going to let you touch and possibly break.

But the boy student sets all new standards for not quite ready to cut the cord.

It turns out that his first day choice to awkwardly orbit within five feet of me at all times was actually the best case scenario as I was paged by not one, but three, charge nurses in the afternoon after I sent the boy one across the hall to get a chart(literally open the door, turn right, chart rack).

"Hi, I'm calling from PICU south/infant unit 3/2b (which are literally on completely different floors on opposite sides of the hospital), I have your medical student here, he's lost and he's not sure how to find you."

For some reason, once lost, he decided the best way to proceed would be to leave the unit and ascend stairs.

Poor lost duckie.

1 comment:

PGYx said...

Poor guy! At least he has nowhere to go but up. And at least he didn't follow you into the bathroom.