Thursday, February 5, 2009

uh oh?

This morning our hostess came into the kitchen wearing only a towel and filled a mug with sterilized water before heading in to shower. Catching our puzzled looks she explained that it is very very important to wash our lady parts (with a brief mime of how lady-part-washing should occur) with filtered or boiled water, and absolutely not, under any circumstances, with the shower water.

She offered no further explanation and cheerfully skipped off to the bathroom, vagina mug in tow.

So now we´re all wondering exactly what noony-invading parasites lurk in the shower water. And also, if this was so so important, why why why would she wait four weeks to share this it us? And does she use the yellow coffee mug every time?

It all just gets stranger and stranger. Well, I suppose I´m off to wikipedia water-borne loo-loo destroying parasites. . .

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