Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Overheard on the wards: Goodbye Peru

My friend B spent much of her time here on the surgery ward of the regional hospital. By the end of the month, she had essentially taken over wound care for the entire ward, getting to know the patients rather intimately in that time.

While she was reluctant to rock the boat too much, she did feel compelled to make some minor changes to the wound care regimen, which at that point involved peeling off the old dressing (and multiple layers of skin), scrubbing with alcohol, and covering with dry gauze, which would instantly restick to the wound (rinse, repeat). B gently began working her own wound care methods into her routine, the major change being washing with only saline and a touch of iodine instead of the harsh scrubs.

The staff seemed amused and just let her do her thing; the patients were a little disturbed by the lack of alcohol and scrubbing, but B explained to them that the chemicals damage the tissues and actually water is better for the wounds.

Sure enough, some of the wounds really did improve over the month she was there.

So today, B went in to say goodbye. As she was leaving the ward, one of the patients called out after her:

"B! Take me to America with you where you can heal wounds with only water!"


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